Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Troubles that plague India and its growth.

After some thoughts I felt that following are the items that hampers the growth of India. The items are listed not on priority, but what came to my mind earlier.

1. Lack of Self Discipline among Individuals.

People when on road, theatres, beach, cinema halls, absolutely do not care about their environment, fellow citizens. They spit, shit, litter without any amount of shame. There is absolute no sense of Self Discipline. This has got nothing to do with Education. Even Software professionals, government employees and officials of private companies behave this way.

2. Lack of respect to fellow citizens.
There is absolutely no respect for fellow citizens. When doing something we don't even think even for a second, how will it impact fellow citizens. Lack of respect for pedestrians when driving. Lack of respect for signals. Lack of respect for Queue in Stations, Theatres, Kiosks and what not.

3. Social imbalance and insensitivity towards it, by the government.

Rich getting richer and poor getting poorer and the government is still insensitive. What is happening is that Rich is becoming Richer, Poor is becoming poorer. Rich become richer by using the loop holes in the society. Be it in businessmen, consumer traders, shop owners, rich farmers, they all evade the tax.

Banks, cell phone operators, credit card operators,insurance operators and many more, use the lack of awareness among consumers, offer lucrative deals and cheat consumers of their ignorance. As a result poor and middle class become poorer. Some crooked middle class who is aware of all this use this same means to become richer. So the end result there is a huge gap between the poor and rich in the society.

4. Lack of self esteem. People worship Individuals(movies, politics, sports) and have low self esteem towards themselves, so that they look around for heroes to worship. We build temples for them. We go crazy for them. We care more for the celebrities than our parents, friends and acquaintances. Encouraging family based politics than talent based politics. Pathetic.

5. Bad treatment of Tax Payers(Especially Salaried class) by the government. The politicians milk the salaried class as much as possible, ignore the poor and never care to bracket the rich. Afterall its the rich who pay's their election money. So they aren't troubled much. As a result the gap between Poor and Rich increases.

5. Bad treatment of Consumers. By everyone right from a local trader who sells provisions , Big shops,
Malls, Banks, Government Offices and what not.

7. Lack of respect of law by the citizens to grow fast in life.(Crooked Citizens). This is prevalent right from Kashmir to Kanayakumari. And what not, the law itself is so fragile that it encourages the citizens to seek crooked ways to cheat government, fellow citizens, consumers and many more.

8. Bad/Selfish/Insensitive/Narrowminded politicians and citizens. After all the politicians are one among citizens. People see politics as a career rather than service to people. As a result they all the crooked means to become a politician. So this makes them bad with the power they have, selfish in the sense its enough if they their family survives, insensitive to peoples feelings, narrowminded.

9. Pathetic constitution, Democracy and Laws. In the name of Democracy , human rights, the citizens are being ruined. I am ashamed that the basic Laws are framed with the following phrase in mind. "Many criminals can be allowed to roam freely, but not a single innocent should be punished". The court in the name of lack of evidence is allowing these criminals(especially politicians) to roam freely thereby punishing more innocents in the society. This basic thinking is flawed in Indian Democracy.
Infact more innocents are suffering because of this criminals.

10. Lack of respect to other religion and community by fellow citizens. All those communal flares.

11. Casteist politicians/citizens.

For selfish needs politicians/citizens use Religion, Caste, which results in huge loss of life, valuables.

Let me think more.


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